Cat Dentist Will Have You in Stitches


This cat sure that the owner hid something interesting in the mouth. And he very carefully tries to find the secret. Why cats spend so much time, licking its fur? For cats, licking, in addition to hygiene products, is a way to maintain mental balance. Grooming soothes, neutralizes the incipient aggressiveness. Caring, the cat licks the fur, a certain amount of substance that contains vitamin b, which is necessary for the regulation of psychic balance. If you deprive the cat of this opportunity, he will become nervous and may even die. Why the cat sometimes tries to lick your face or hair? First impression, obtained a kitten from mother’s care in the form of licking and washing.

For him it is an act of care and affection, so if the cat (or kitten) tries to lick you, take it as an attempt by the motherly care of you. Why cats sometimes lick and bite woolen clothes, balls, scarves? There are several theories, but mainly scientists believe that the reason is the same as in the previous question. As rightly said above, this habit in cats remains since childhood. They massage the mother’s belly to increase milk flow when sucking. I will only add that when cats do massage or a blanket before going to sleep, they are in admiration, and the host, who put such a massage, they just love it!