This Kitten Was Having A Scary Dream, But Just Watch What The Mother Does When She Notices it


Little red kitten lying on his back in the arms of his Mama cat and sleeps. Kitten dreaming of something bad. It starts in a dream to pull legs. The mother cat immediately reacts and pulls him to her, simultaneously embracing paws. The kitten calms down… People in the comments to the video I bet that cat just moved by instinct or stretched and this is not motherly love. But let’s still dream about what it’s just a mother and her son, whom she loves. Or a daughter. Blocking the neurons responsible for muscle paralysis, scientists were able to observe what the animal is doing during sleep.

Judging by the behavior of the test subjects, they did the moves and imitated the actions characteristic of them in the waking state, for example, stalking imaginary prey and attacked it, defended their territory, running away from invisible enemies and so on…

Even the layman is not so difficult to determine that the home the pet has a dream: sleeping beast suddenly began to twitch, toss and turn, twist legs, growl, hiss, or meow… It can only be a reaction to some external event, apparently — what happens in the dream. Not so long ago researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology Kenuey Louis and Matthew Wilson, studying the electrical and chemical processes in the brain cells of animals, recorded the activity of hippocampal neurons of rats.

The hippocampus is a special area in the brain responsible for emotions and memory consolidation.