Tiny kitten only 3 days old tries to go on an adventure


A small 3-day kitten got lost, but mom-cat comes to the rescue. This tiny kitten named Lucky, an adventurer and trying to get away from my mom just after 3 days. Nothing can stop him from exploring the house, he can even still see. This little kitten, when he realized that he was lost, and began to meow and call my mother for help. Mom rushed to” save ” her child and return to the family.

They have a special cat bed, but you know cats are cats. Mom is very beautiful and fluffy tail. Caring for a newborn kitten is probably no less responsible than caring for a baby!

When a kitten is born, he is blind and deaf, but has a very acute sense of touch and sense of smell, so from the first hours of his life begins to look the nipples of the mother, and on the fourth day – paws to stimulate the flow of milk.

In this situation in no event it is impossible to separate a kitten from a cat because it can hurt him and his mother, which can become inflamed mammary glands. If you got newborn kittens without a cat, to nurse them have their own, and need to approach this very responsibly.

Of course, the best food for newborn kittens is their mother’s milk. If the cat died in childbirth, it is best to find another urgent, and put the kittens to her.