Golden retriever puppy plays with kitten


It’s one of life’s unassailable rules: ANYTHING is better if there are puppies and kittens around. In a bad mood? This puppy will lift it. Got a bad grade? Watching this kitten will make you walk on air. Got into a spat with your significant other? Show them a photo of a kitten or puppy and things will likely thaw. This video, though, shows the ultimate combination – a puppy and a kitten TOGETHER. This could prevent world wars here, folks.

We see a golden retriever puppy with what looks like a domestic shorthaired kitten. The two apparently have just met and they are getting along famously. They are on a porch outside and their cuteness is almost too much to bear. The kitten is being a teensy bit standoffish at first and the pup is like “Hi there… want to play with me?” That seems to break down the kitten’s defenses some.

The dog adores the kitten. He’s constantly licking him and the kitten seems to be tolerating it with a look of “What is happening here” on his face. It’s not like he’s swatting and hissing at the pup. The duo have formed a fast friendship for sure and we’re the lucky beneficiaries to see it all caught on video. I nearly melted while viewing this and I would wager a good number of you also did.

When I was watching this, it made me think of all the other supposed mortal enemies that could get along if they just met at a young age. A cobra and a mongoose… well, OK, maybe not that one. But I think that the enmity is basic programming that can be stopped if they meet early enough. I’m sure this cat and dog will grow up to be best friends. If not, then I would be very surprised.

Weren’t you smitten with these two? Wouldn’t you want to sit and pet these two for a long time? I would. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this duo in the comments. Also, please “Like” us on Facebook.