He’s Sung This Song To His Dog Since He Was A Puppy. What Happens When He Hears It Again?


Surprisingly, but this it is a watchdog extremely sensitive. Besides, he’s got different color eyes, why he seems even nicer. Pet and slept in the car, but as soon as he heard his favorite song “let it go”, immediately woke up, and his gaze and expression was clear as he felt, hearing her. And the way he tried to sing along, it was simply unsurpassed. Hearing dogs uses in its work, exactly the same mechanisms as balancing organs.

Hearing aid our pet is in a strong bones at the base of the skull. His ear shell perceives the sound signal (as well as the person) and transmits it to the ear canal, where the resulting vibration perceives the eardrum – a very thin sensitive membrane located across the auditory canal.

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