Ignored Bald Puppy Couldn’t Stop Wagging His Tail When He Finally Saw His Rescuers


Jamie, the puppy, had gone through everything just in the first four months of her life. She was nearly bald and was covered in scabs that looked very painful. The puppy scratched his itchy body continuously.

Jamie had wandered with his sick, mange-ridden body for weeks on the streets of India until homeowners finally noticed him and called Animal Aid Unlimited.

Jamie couldn’t stop wagging his tail when he met his rescuers. He had evidently not got any love from anyone because of his skin infection that looked horrible. However, the moment he had yearned for since such a long time was finally here.

Erika Abrams, the co-founder of Animal Aid Unlimited, said, “Jamie was a lovebug from the beginning.”

His tail was wiggling all the time when his rescuers approached him.

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