It took him three years to train his dog to do an “impossible” trick, now everyone’s dumbfounded by the result


This dog has memorized more than 1000 words. Research confirmed that a dog can memorize 165 words. Especially gifted dogs can learn more than 1000 words. Your pet dog knows basic word commands: «To me!», «Sit!», «Ball!» etc. and performs them. But did you know that the vocabulary of your pet dog is much more that the dog knows and can still remember a lot more words than you think. According to doctor Сastille Koren, an expert in the field of development of the dog, the average dog can understand about 165 words, while learning is possible and more. Dr. Koren says consistency is important in this case.

If you call food “dinner”, and other family members say otherwise, then this word for perception dog will not accurate. But if everyone says “dinner”, the dog will very quickly learn the lesson. Dogs are intellectuals. In 2001, border collie Rico appeared on a German television game and showed that he recognized 200 different words. The success of Rico has caused an unprecedented interest in the intelligence of dogs, were made for further research. In studies conducted by max Planck at the Institute of evolutionary anthropology, Rico has proven that he can recall new words even after a month has not heard them.

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