Puppy Reunion with Siblings Four Years After Adoption


Admit it – the question itself put you in a deadlock. All are accustomed to think, that invisible thread, linking dog-mother and its puppies, is torn immediately same, as kids are becoming linked a new house. And yet… Surely you will be curious to know about the results of the study conducted by American scientists!

The impetus for the study was the sensational story of 29-year-old woman. In infancy, she was abducted and brought up in a completely different family. It would seem that the memories of the blood parents can keep the baby! But Carlin all these years did not leave a vague feeling – something around her is not so. Feeling grew into confidence, confidence forced to start the search, ended with success. Most recently, a woman found her biological parents! But we are talking about people-the highest creation of nature.

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