A horse suspiciously looks up at the camera


This lovely horse is desperately in need of tenderness and care. The head pushes its owner to the fact that she came closer. Trust is the most important thing in working with a horse. That’s the absolute truth.

You have to trust your horse, and your horse has to trust you. Your horse needs to know that you will be able to ensure its safety and will not ask it to perform actions that it is physically or psychologically unable to do. You have to believe that your horse can act as a partner and be responsible. If your horse does not trust you, then be ready to communicate with an animal that will refuse to work and give you a lot of unpleasant sensations.

If you don’t trust your horse, your horse won’t learn to be responsible, you won’t like it because you control it too much and act like a predator. A relationship in which the horse would like to cooperate with you, will not develop…

I want to talk about a few simple ways you can start building trust. I often see people who love to hug their horses, but often end up that the horse begins to press in on them, forcing them to recede back, trying to go “through” man, pushes him when he wants to go. The horse needs to see you strong and confident leader who can support both their own safety and create a safe environment for her.