Caretakers Try Take This Baby Panda’s Favorite Ball


Baby pandas are one of the cutest babies in the animal kingdom. They are like a giant cuddly teddy bear. They also have rather adorable personalities and are very playful, as shown in this cute video. This baby panda loves his ball and has the cutest antics while playing with his caretakers. 

All children love playing with toys, even animal children. Playing with toys teaches them vital skills about social interactions, sharing, and they can help develop valuable life skills. But this baby panda loves his ball so much that he’s not willing to share it with anyone.

In this adorable video shared by the San Diego Zoo, a baby panda is filmed enjoying playing with a ball and his caretakers. The baby panda, called Xiao Liwu, was given a ball during his 18th exam to “test his coordination and encourage him to play with new objects”.

In a panda exam, the young pandas are given several objects to play with to encourage them to learn more about the world around them. Baby Xiao Liwu was handed two balls, some bamboo and a limb trimmed from a tree.

Xiao Liwu had already seen the bamboo and tree limb before, but the ball was a whole new thing. The baby panda loves his ball so much that he doesn’t seem to have eyes for anything else.

The caretakers even tried to take the ball away from him, but he clutched it tightly and refused to let go. Needless to say, this baby panda is the cutest thing we’ve seen in a while.

Watch the video below to see the adorable footage of the panda cub and his ball. Also, we love hearing your thoughts at Happiest, so be sure to leave them in the comment section below.
