Tiny fox who’s overjoyed to see his best friend


I had the chance to watch many amazing stories about pets being rescued and their transformation. The International Primate Rescue in Pretoria, South Africa provides sanctuary to more than 100 primates, along with two fennec foxes.

Fennec foxes are small nocturnal animals found in the Sahara that are renowned for their tiny bodies and massive ears.

Their bodies have adapted to a hot desert environment and their acute sense of hearing helps them to hear prey that are moving, even underground.

Rupert was only four weeks old when he arrived at the establishment. It took him no time to bond with Roxy, the older fennec fox.

This clip doesn’t explain how these two foxes came to be living at a primate rescue, but it doesn’t matter because they seem to fit right in.

Even though Rupert bonded closely with Roxy, the other fox, as the time passed, he shared an extraordinary bond with a domestic cat named William.

The adorable video below shows the reunion of these two adorable best friends. This goes on to show that friendship really does come in all shapes and sizes!

Video on the next page: