After A Year Of Suffering, This Baby Orangutan Gets Rescued


This little orangutan baby has been through hell and back. He is called Budi, and for the first year of his life, Budi was imprisoned in a small chicken cage in Indonesia. He was given nothing other than condensed milk as food, and that was slowly killing him. Thankfully, International Animal Organization came to his rescue. When they took little Budi in, he was lonely, sick, and afraid.

Rescuer Alan Knight said that when he got rescued, Budi’s eyes were filled with tears. He is under protection and on the road to recovery. I cannot even begin to fathom how much suffering this tiny baby went through. His limbs are swollen and bent and his body is bloated with fluid from malnutrition.

Budi cannot sit up by himself, and he can’t even move his limbs. In this clip, he is propped up with pillows and blankets so he can drink proper milk from a bottle. No more condensed milk for little Budi. He cries in pain when he is lifted to a sitting position, but with the vet’s loving touch, he calms down to drink his bottle.

Video on the next page: