This Bored Parrot Thought It Was Home Alone, Moments Later Owner Could Not Believe His Ears When Camera Started Rolling


Singing in the shower or in your car is something everyone has done. You were alone and decided it would be a good time to practice for American Idol. You belted out your song at the top of your lungs and even threw in some dance moves. Then someone walked in or pulled up next to you and you quickly realized you looked and sounded ridiculous.

That was definitely the case with this parrot. The parrot was left home “alone” and decided to pass the time by singing. The owner, however, had not left and secretly hid inside the house to film the parrot.

The parrot was on the deck and it was raining, so it was obviously the perfect time to belt out its favorite song. The camera began to roll and the owner could not believe what he was hearing. His parrot wasn’t just stringing a few words together, it was literally singing an entire song.

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