Man stops ‘touching’ his kitten, but when he realizes his human is gone – most adorable response on internet


Kitten sounds attracts attention. At home, a new member of the family, a little fluffy ball and… you lost sleep, lost rest. Kitten all the time meows, asks for something, and you start to get nervous, irritated by the fact that you can not understand it. It is not necessary to be upset, just try to find out why your pet behaves so and as soon as possible to correct a situation.

Kitten caught in an unknown environment, receives a strong stress, experiencing anxiety and fear of the unknown. Baby, just weaned from mum and their brothers, much missed him, starts loud and pitiful meow. Particularly acute this situation you have tiny kittens (up to 2 months of age). In this case, you will need maximum patience and tranquility.

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