Polar Bears Are Taking This Russian Town Over And People Have No Idea What To Do


An island inhabited by over 3,000 people just got a shocking surprise! Dozens of hungry polar bears have been seen looking for food among huge apartment buildings, playgrounds and garbage dumps.

“There’s never been such a mass invasion of polar bears,” ZhiganshaMusin, head of the local administration, told The Guardian.

The strangest thing is that the bears don’t seem to be bothered or scared by the sounds of horns or barking dogs. Seeing this, the local government of Belushya Guba, a town on the Russian archipelago of Novaya Zemlya, has declared a state of emergency.

Experts have been called upon to drive the bears away from human settlements. So far, 52 bears have been seen so far, which is quite unheard.

People are wary to go outside due to the presence of the animals. Parents are keeping their kids at home and many are even afraid of stepping outside. The hungry bears can be a real danger.

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