An old man rushed to the hospital is followed by his pet dog


Pet owners are easily touched with the exceptional connection we share with our pets. They’re our protectors, buddies, confidantes, and in many cases, our family. They’re always there for the best and the worst of time, and stay faithful to their humans til the end.

That’s the story of the PSA video below. We have a lovely tale of an elderly man and his pet dog – the perfect companionship for eternity. When the man had a stroke, his four-legged friend followed the ambulance up to the hospital and stayed there. It rained for days, but the pooch stood his ground by the building’s entrance. In the end, his human didn’t make it. But that’s when the miracle begins.

Since that year, every year, thousands of lives have been saved through organ donations. Believe it or not, in 2014, “organ donors rendered well over 28,000 transplants a possibility,” says the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

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