Naughty Dog Steals Food Off The Counter. When He Realizes He’s Busted, Watch What He Does Next


The sad eyes, the raised eyebrows, the reserved look — these are not signs of shame. For thousands of years residence with man dog adapted to his behavior and learned to accept is to blame kind of. “According to numerous studies, dogs can’t feel guilt, says a researcher in the field of veterinary medicine Dr Susan Hazel from the University of Adelaide. – Their brain works differently.”

Jaak Panksepp believes that all warm-blooded can experience 7 main emotions or feelings: fear, anger, physical attraction, maternal instinct, loneliness, playful mood and happiness. He calls them primary. People can also feel guilt, shame, embarrassment, envy, hatred, contempt, pride and devotion, but they are, according to the expert, secondary. Some psychologists call them”moral emotions.”

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